Our agency provides services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and varying disabilities.  These services include:

Autism Services

Intensive ABA Therapy

Verbal Behavior Therapy

Behavior Reduction

ADHD Services

Toilet Training




Progressive Behavior Management operates a clinic in Brandon that provides Intensive Applied Behavior Analysis therapy to children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Intensive therapy refers to a program that exposes the child to 10 to 40 hours of ABA therapy for one to three years.  Early intervention refers to therapy that begins before the age of four year sold.  Some studies indicate that Early Intensive Behavior Intervention can result in preschoolers that integrate within the main stream classroom with minimum accommodations. 

Research conducted by Lovaas and published in 1987 reported the results of children that received 40 hours ("intensive") of one on one behavior therapy and the process that these children made as it compared to children that received less than 10 hours per week.  The results yielded that many of the children that received "intensive" behavior therapy integrated within the mainstream classroom setting and showed an increase of 30 IQ points.

A follow up to Lovaas' study conducted by McEachin, Smith, and Lovaas in 1993, researched the maintenance of this therapy for these subjects after four years.  this study reported that these children maintained their gains after four years.  Of the children evaluated, 42% were reported as "indistinguishable from average children on tests of intelligence and adaptive behavior". 

Based on this, Early Intensive Behavior Intervention (EIBI) will help build early language and learning skills to get your child ready to start school.  EIBI contains a combination of services to address your child's needs as a whole.  These services will include:  verbal behavior therapy and behavior reduction services.  We will assess your child utilizing a variety of tools (i.e.: VBMAPP, ABLLS-R, Functional Behavior Assessment, Direct Observations, etc.).

These services may be covered under your insurance.  Please contact our office for more information. 

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